
Sunday, November 25, 2012


My new prize from the MMQG Pincushion Swap:Thanks, Annik,  I love it!

Well, November is almost over and the race is on to wrap up our Christmas shopping/prepping before December starts.   It can be done, people.

Since I'm a new sewist/quiltist, I'm only now realizing the overwhelming effects of UFOs. WIPs (Works in Progress) have suddenly turned into Un-Finished Objects all around me and just might be paralyzing my creative progress.  What is more, my intentions for this blog have also greatly surpassed actual content posted.  (Ain't that always the case?)

I started AndChips not too long after I first began to machine sew in January.  Now, it's been almost one year and I really, truly love to sew and quilt.  My mind turns easily (and often!) to sewing plans and ideas..these thoughts occupy most of my waking hours and even some of my dreams at night.  Since you're reading this, I know you know what I'm talking about.

In April when I participated in Sew, Mama, Sew!'s Giveaway Day, more than one hundred people visited this blog and twenty-five of those were kind enough to answer my request for advice they'd offer to a new sewing blogger.  Here's what they said:

  • Link up with other, bigger blogs.
  • Consistently post.
    • This is more difficult than it sounds...But I'm thinking about the blog often so there's hope!
  • Offer free tutorials and original patterns.
    • I've only done the one so far.
  • Make the blog easy to navigate as it grows.
    • Your input here will be very welcome.
  • Get involved with swaps, bees, and quilt-alongs.
  • Take the best photos you can.
    • One said to snap in the shade on a sunny day and I've been thinking about staging shots
  • Conduct giveaways.
  • Be honest.
  • Have fun with it.

More than anything, this blog documents a journey I continue to enjoy and it serves as a door, open to anyone who passes by.  Come in and take a look around and comment, please!

I think the next step for me will be to put more effort and personality into this blog.  I want to design some projects of my own to share with others and see where that takes me.

More than anything, I'm humble and thankful for what a free sewing machine and a terrific community have done for me at this time in my life.  I'm pleased and I'm lucky and I'm looking forward to what the future holds.

Next post: finished project!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like the pin cushion :) That's original Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt. When I saw that fabric at Treadle Yard Goods oh so many years ago it was love at first sight. Blogs are a labor of love, with a stress on the word labor. Keep it up! See you at the next meeting. -Annik

    P.S. My boys would go bonkers for those Ewoks!


Thank you again for visiting AndChips!