
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Home and Away

I've been away since Friday...up north at the family lake cabin soaking up the sun.  Although it was difficult to leave, we have a big weekend planned with a concert, hanging out with friends at a "beer-lympics," and a family reunion after that.  I have no idea what a beerlympics consists of except that there will be beer, teams must dress as their country (we are Japan) and there will be games of skill.

Isn't it amazing, all of the variety you can get from half square triangles?!

But until then, today is Thursday and that means another block for the Beginner's Quilt-Along.  For the fifth one, I used some brown LouLouThi by Anna Maria Horner and the yellow is Flying Stripe by Ellen Luckett Baker for Moda; they were both in a remnant pack I purchased with my commission for the tutorial at Sew,Mama,Sew!  My thinking is, I'm too new of a sewista to have built up enough scraps of my own but my sewing table is steadily being encroached upon by new fabric piles.  Again, there's another little machine-applique on this block because I just can't let one of these go without the horse treatment.

My town is full of occasional sales stores.  These are thrift/antique shops that only open for one weekend a month (it starts today.)  Most of them are elaborately themed and fun to paw through as the merchandise has been hand-picked and staged like a Better Homes and Gardens photo shoot.  I'm about to walk out the door and explore a few of them but first, I'll leave you with a recent garage-sale treasure.

Almost 3 yards for 3 dollars.
That's it for now.  Take care!

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